What will you do with your extra hour?

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What platforms is 23Hour Day available on?

23HourDay is currently available on Windows for Desktop, iPhone and Android Phone. One subscription covers all platforms that you use.

How do Iinstall 23Hour Day?

The 23HourDay executable EXE can be downloaded from the button on the Trial page of this website.

23HourDay iPhone trial can be installed by searching
23HourDay on your iPhone at the Apple Store.

23HourDay Android phone trial can be installed by searching
23HourDay on your iPhone at the Apple Store.

What does 23Hour Day cost and how do I purchase it?

23Hour Day costs $12.95 per month or $149 for a yearly
subscription. At any time during your trial period, you can
convert to a paid subscription by going to Premium
Subscription in Settings. If you purchase through the
Windows version, you will be taken to the Stripe website to
complete your subscription with the credit card of your choice.
You can also use either the Apple Store or the Google store to
set up your paid subscription.

Can I buy multiple subscriptions for their staff?

Yes. Businesses can purchase multiple subscriptions. Contact
us at 480-966-4040 or [email protected]. We can
take credit card payments or invoice you.

How many websites and notes can I input into 23Hour Day?

An unlimited number.

What if I forget my password?

You can email us at [email protected] and we can
send you a password reset.

I Have a suggestion to make 23Hour Day even better. Can I give it to you?

We believe in a concept called CANI, which stands for
Constant and Never-Ending Improvement. We plan to
continue to make 23Hour Day better and better and welcome and value your suggestions.

8281E Evans Rd, Unit 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

8281E Evans Rd, Unit 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260