What will you do with your extra hour?

The 23 Hour Day Story

The story of 23HourDay’s story, like a lot of creations, was born of necessity: My Own. The first version was built just for my own use. That was back in 2005 and for nearly 20 years I remained the only user. Plenty of people saw it on my computer and asked me how they could get it too. But I wasn’t ready to share it. I didn’t even give it a name. To me it was just: My App. 

Like an old car, for many years the original version carried me forward. In doing so, it saved me  hours everyday, adding skids to my productivity, most likely also several points to my IQ. Since 2005, needless to say, technology has evolved. For instance, my original version I could only use on one device at a time, and only on computers, not on my cellphone.

My business too has evolved. When I developed the first version I had a computer training Business followed by a dozen years in real estate and then I went into writing and selling books. During the last 6 years I have owned and run a health insurance agency selling Medicare plans named ItsThatTime LLC. My business, which is located in the Scottsdale Airpark, has grown national with agents in 21 states, and with (at last count) over 6,000 clients. In my business I need to use over 150 websites and most of them require me to keep extensive passwords and notes.

My lifesaver: 23HourDay. Yes, it now has a name! I named it 23HourDay because of the idea that it would save anyone an hour a day. In truth (at least for me) I save a lot more time than that. In my job I couldn’t do half of what I do without 23HourDay. Take it away from me and I would be curled up in a corner, helpless! I can best describe 23HourDay as being like my very well organized executive assistant. It not only saves me hours, but my sanity too. And couldn’t we all use a sanity saving well-organized executive assistant that doesn’t even take a lunch break?  

8281E Evans Rd, Unit 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260

8281E Evans Rd, Unit 101, Scottsdale, AZ 85260